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Read yellow box in right sidebar!
Yes, you are right!
March 10, 2014 at 10:06 pm in reply to: Will not rewrite files or urls from sourceCode – breaks site can only hide login #629First sorry for delay, I was on a trip.
It will work for you 🙂
Make sure you followed “quick fix guide” located in Start tab and then read this FAQ:’m pretty sure above tips will solve your problem though if not just let me know!
This is our main feature and it should work for you!
Just please follow this FAQ:, don’t forget to follow Qucik Fix guide!
It was totally useless, I already removed it for v3 🙂
Despite some CSS issues in 3.8 current version is stable and works well!
The next major version (v3) is almost ready to release and it has a cool new features.
I try to finish it before ending March!
The goal of plugin is not to increase site performance but it tries to remove WP footprints from your source code. There are two types of minify in the plugin:
1) Compress HTML: it removes HTML comments usually generated by themes and plugins and also decrease readability of the code
2) Minify stylesheet: it only minify “style.css” so theme info will be hided!As you may know minification is a complex task. Most of minify plugins don’t work properly in most situations. We try to provide three different modes for it (and still some customers has problem because of invalid HTML syntax in their theme and the complexity of the task!)
As I said I only focused to remove WP, plugins and themes footprints but this doesn’t mean you can’t use other third party plugins to minify. (Read FAQs for details)
Sorry for delay, I was on a trip.
Just choose ‘Full Page’ as Replace Mode and it should be fixed 🙂
Hi again,
I spent several hours to test wp-minify and Better WP Minfiy plus some more buggy plugins. The first things I notice is sometimes whether HMWP is activated or not minifcation fails. This is natural because minification is a complex task and activating different plugins may cause problem in it.
I updated the FAQ to include some “important notice”. I also changed HMWP to solve some problems in minification of some URLs. These changes will be released in next version but you can do it yourself: Just search for following lines in hide-my-wp.php:
$replace_word[0] = str_replace('.', '\.', $replace_word[0]); $replace_word[1] = str_replace('.', '\.', $replace_word[1]);
and replace them with:
$replace_word[0] = str_replace(array( 'amp;', '%2F','//', '.' ), array('', '/', '/','.'), $replace_word[0]); $replace_word[1] = str_replace(array('.','amp;'), array('\.',''), $replace_word[1]);
You should replace them four times (in 4 locations). Don’t forget to read FAQ again.
Search for ‘guess’ in hide-my-wp.php and change the email’s body!
Sorry for delay,
No it’s not possible by HMWP. But if you search in your theme (or related plugin) files you should find something like below:
function create_posttype() { register_post_type( 'acme_product', array( 'labels' => array( 'name' => __( 'Products' ), 'singular_name' => __( 'Product' ) ), 'public' => true, 'has_archive' => true, 'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'products'), ) ); }
Just change slug to what you want. Read more here: for the delay,
If you enable both of them WP couldn’t find this is a page URL or an author URL. So if you really need that you should disable ‘Author without base’ and then remove ‘Page base’ value.
Although one of out customer did a trick to do it I couldn’t guarantee it. You need to add some code in your functions.php file.
Read more here:
Sorry for delay,
I worked on your site for several hours but couldn’t even see minify URLs. It seems Minify doesn’t work at all. I have deactivated HMWP but without success.
I edited
and replaced this line:
RewriteBase \blacklimousines-new/wp-content/cache/minify/
RewriteBase /~blacklim/wordpress-201402/wp-content/cache/minify/
This trick passed the minify test but even with it I couldn’t see minify URLs. Maybe you copied all files from main site to this temporary site.
I reverted everything back please check it out and let me know.
Sorry for delay,
You read this FAQ. Right?
It seems this is a bug please provide login details via a private reply and I’ll try to fix it!
I think WordFence is a backend plugin. So please make sure this line will be shown to non-logged in users (regular visitors) first.
HMWP can not scan plugins source code and change those lines automatically. It’s almost impossible!
Although, you can easily remove it by Replace in HTML feature, this will stop that function.
If it’s really important for you I suggest to change it with Replace in HTML feature (e.g. wordfence_logHuman=wf_logHuman) and then manually search WordFence source codes and replace wordfence_logHuman with wf_logHuman .