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As I said it has a relatively complex structure and finding a solution may need lots of trials and errors.
I personally suggest to change this plugin and use lots of other free coming soon themes/plugins. If you’re a code you may also change plugin’s template (manually replace codes with final URLs).
It located here:
wp-content / plugins / coming-soon-maintenance-mode-ready / modules / csp_tpl_standard / views / tpl / csp_tpl_standardCSPHtml.php
Sorry but this is all I know 😐
It was there! See line #190
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
Add HMWP rules right before it 🙂Oops 🙁 not again,
Copy its content to a text file (with .txt ext) or simply paste entire code in a reply!
Yes, I agree that working both is great but I spend lots of time to do it results disappoint 😐
So I think the best way is using a short base (or if post permalink is /%post_name% and it’s working you may consider creating some posts and link them as page!)
Well, in fact Replace URL works itself what doesn’t work is replacing old URLs with new ones. This means the plugin run very soon so it doesn’t allow to any other plugin like HMWP catch it and change its code !!
I checked out the plugin source code. It has relatively a complex structure.
Anyway, this is my last idea. None of following were tested but may work. Use your file manager or a FTP program to open this file: wp-content/plugins/coming-soon …/modules/coming soon/mod.php
Find this line at the top of the code.
add_action('plugins_loaded', array($this, 'doCominSoonPage'));
And replace it with:
add_action('after_setup_theme', array($this, 'doCominSoonPage'));
Try it, if it doesn’t solve the problem do it reverse. Back your previous changes and open hide-my-wp.php in hide-my-wp directory then replace this line:
add_action('after_setup_theme',array(&$this, 'ob_starter') , 0);
with this one:
add_action('plugins_loaded',array(&$this, 'ob_starter') , 0);
Update topic with your result.
You can’t attach a file to main post of a topic.
Please re-attach it in another post (second reply)
I uses this method for some other plugins and it works.
If you guess correctly you should find a htaccess file within the plugin directori(es)
Maybe the coming soon theme folder is somewhere other than plugin directory root.
Which URLs do you see in the source code of coming soon page? (e.g. for styles and images)
@alexus Read the yellow box in the right and use below forum. links
Does it take effect now?
So far we didn’t have any problem with themes so if you try at least 3 other themes and they works correctly then yes, you found first incompatibility with a theme.
Personally, I guess the problem was caused by cache and may be solved by a cache flushing.
Sorry for long delay,
First you should know this is one of critical features of HMWP. Current feature is result of hundreds of trials and errors (really!). So I don’t recommend to hack author_structure any more even if you think it works correctly for you!
I’m not sure I know what you really want but it may work:
1. Enter /%author%/%post_id%/ or /%author%/%postname%/ as Post Permalink
2. In a standard WP theme you should now have a working
3. You can edit author.php file in your theme base on your needs (If you haven’t it copy archive.php and rename it to author.php)
4. If you want to hide /author/username URLs try changing author base to something else in HMWP and then use Replace in HTML to remove /new_authorbase from source code so the result will be a fancy working author URLs.I’m really sorry about it.
It was fixed now please update to latest version (2.2) and re-enter your purchase code.
The message is annoying but it does nothing.
Please provide URL with some TimThumb images plus your login details and I’ll do it 🙂
Enable private replyHi-
This is a known problem. HMWP need to know your current theme. When you use a coming soon/maintenance plugin it filter your current theme and this confuse HMWP.
You usually can fix this problem using Replace URLs. Add something like below to Replace URLs box:
We can’t do it by default because there are many coming soon plugins.Sorry for delay,
I just tested it. There was no problem.
If you use latest version 2.1 or 2.2 please provide generated debug report (from Start tab) and I’ll check out your current settings.
Activating plugin itself does nothing with your site. You need to configure it or use a pre-made settings scheme (from start tab).
In case of CMS finder tools read this FAQ: case of wp-signup.php, you can use Replace URLs to hide wp-signup but for a better result do it with this line: (You already hided wp-login.php 😉 )
As I said in message wp-login problem was fixed for v2.2 -