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Minification is challenging for HMWP. Read this FAQ: case of autogenerated pages I couldn’t see the problem. It works as expected (see attachment) or am I missing something?
You must be logged in to view attached files.It was probably jetpack, my IP was which is used to remove browser cache. And yes, 128MB is fine and will help but it also matter if there are popular websites on the server. In future you can also use a simple caching plugins like WP Super Cache.
To see if replace tools works or not check out HTML source code. You shouldn’t see paths like and similar that.
Found the problem!
It was caused by WeePie Cookie Allow. I disabled it and HMWP started working. It seems WeePie Cookie Allow is not a well-written plugin. Fortunately, there are many similar plugins, I suggest to use one of them as an alternative!
The speed improved now. I’m going to disable/enable other plugins to find the problem. I have taken backup of database so if we loose plugin settings it is possible to restore them.
Sorry for delay,
First, your site is too slow, I randomly got 503 and database error this is totally unacceptable for a website which isn’t public yet. If this is your own server/VPS check other websites on the server. If you use a shared hosting check out PHP memory limit (128MB is good) or contact their support.
Issue with replacing usually comes from coming soon plugins I disabled it so you probably need to enable that once the database go up again. Let me know the result.October 19, 2016 at 9:54 pm in reply to: still can see I am using WordPress? #12390As an example for over-optimization, you hided wp-login both by HMWP and iThemeSecurity. which doesn’t make your site safer.
Cloudflare, Wt3T, AutoOptimize and HMWP all can minify CSS/HTML/JS files but with different settings and features. You used 2 or 3 of them at the same time! Does it make your site faster? No, it just complicate your setup and generate bugs.
I spent several hours to find popup problem: enabled and disabled all features one by one but no success. Finally, disabled AutoOptimize and that solve the problem.
What reason was behind search box problem? I already said it’s better to use medium settings. I used that and that fixed the problem. Anyway, I used your provided settings but change several features: increased IDS thresholds, remove new search queries and disabled clean up posts and avoid direct access.
I spent several hours to solve those two little problems. As a security man here is my final words: instead of wasting time and money to make the safest and fastest website focus on your business and generate money. Good luck!
I checked your site. I believe WP is revealed because of WooCommerce.
It’s hard for buyers to hide all WooCommerce footprints without breaking their sites. We are working on a new feature in upcoming version which solve this issue. It should be released within next few weeks.
Without a doubt, builtwith uses a strong caching system. ِ
Unfortunately, adding a query to the domain make no change. We already tested those methods! If you’re serious enough create a test site with same configuration and different address (new domain or subdomain) then test it again. Another idea which is easier is parking a domain.
Please also read this FAQ: a look at this:
I have contacted with them days ago but didn’t get any response. Finally, I created a paid account and test it myself.
Good news! Most of HMWP features can still be used with WPEngine 🙂
Trick: just use ‘break’ in rewrite rules page.
I’m creating a video tutorial for it. Should be available today!
October 17, 2016 at 6:56 pm in reply to: still can see I am using WordPress? #12338Are you changing anything? I couldn’t login anymore. (I disabled HMWP still no success)
Furthermore, /etc/nginx/sites-available is empty. Please let me know where exactly nginx config file for the site is?
I see your environment is over optimized/configured. I mean you use several different tools to do the same thing at the same time. This not only may affect performance but causes headache in future!October 17, 2016 at 3:01 pm in reply to: still can see I am using WordPress? #12330Thanks,
Make sure you have these lines in your nginx config:
rewrite ^/template_main/style.css /?parent_wrapper=1&IM_kunci_lang=Tz8YBO7t5BRy3ujt last; rewrite ^/template_main/(.*) /wp-content/themes/pinshop/$1 last;
If they are not it means you configured Nginx wrongly or changed settings without configuring Nginx. If they are there replace them with these lines:
rewrite ^/template_main/style.css /?parent_wrapper=1&IM_kunci_lang=Tz8YBO7t5BRy3ujt last; rewrite ^/template_main/(.*) /wp-content/themes/pinshop/$1?IM_kunci_lang=Tz8YBO7t5BRy3ujt last;
Doesn’t help? attach Nginx config file for more investigation.
October 17, 2016 at 12:28 pm in reply to: still can see I am using WordPress? #12327You can not enable it for certain plugins and disable for others because you usually can’t find out which feature cause the problem.
If HMWP cause the problem just back up and reset its settings. You don’t need to remove Nginx lines. Nginx lines usually do not cause any issue as long as plugin is disabled or not configured. I’ll take a look in next 2 hours so please add NGINX lines again.
October 16, 2016 at 9:51 am in reply to: still can see I am using WordPress? #12298Found the problem!
For an unknown reason HMWP replaces source code in WP ADMIN which is undesired. This probably happens because some plugins changed WP filters in a nonstandard way.
See these HMWP lines in your Nginx file:
rewrite ^/storage/(.*) /https:/$1?IM_kunci_lang=Tz8YBO7t5BRy3ujt last; rewrite ^/template/ext/9a7cc091/(.*) /template/ext/a3-lazy-load/$1?IM_kunci_lang=Tz8YBO7t5BRy3ujt last; ...
First there is a conflict with your current CDN plugin. HMWP provides its own CDN feature. If you’re satisfied with current service please leave New File Path empty. Otherwise disable that plugin and use CDN path in HMWP then update this line to:
rewrite ^/storage/(.*) /https:/$1?IM_kunci_lang=Tz8YBO7t5BRy3ujt last;
rewrite ^/storage/(.*) /wp-content/uploads/$1?IM_kunci_lang=Tz8YBO7t5BRy3ujt last;
Second problem is plugins paths. You need to change all plugins lines. For example change this:
rewrite ^/template/ext/9a7cc091/(.*) /template/ext/a3-lazy-load/$1?IM_kunci_lang=Tz8YBO7t5BRy3ujt last;
to this
rewrite ^/template/ext/9a7cc091/(.*) /wp-content/plugins/a3-lazy-load/$1?IM_kunci_lang=Tz8YBO7t5BRy3ujt last;
(Notice the second part.)
You use High privacy mode, this means you may expect small conflicts with other plugins. If you face with such problems change HMWP to medium privacy mode. You may need to modify HMWP lines again!October 16, 2016 at 9:19 am in reply to: still can see I am using WordPress? #12295Sorry, give me a 20 min and then disable it.
Can I ask what affects does it cause to other websites?