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Once you have logged into wp-admin ( with network admin’s credential you should be able to access as well.
Hi, it seems to be working for me even with IDS on. Please check!
For thumbnail URL, you’ll need to add the following line in your htaccess and delete cache:
RewriteRule ^bdir/(.*) /wp-content/blogs.dir/$1 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^file/(.*) /wp-content/uploads/$1 [QSA,L]Also, I’ve removed domain name from my previous post.
Hi, is it not working for all social websites? What is your website URL where I can see this happening?
Okay, so what’s your wordpress multisite website URL?
After activating HMWP plugin, your admin login URL becomes
Here, “hide_my_wp=1234” is default secret key which you can change in HMWP General settings page.
Hi, your wordpress installation directory itself is named “wordpress”. Please change this to something else, may be your site name. But after doing so you’ll have to change the site URL. See –
This reply was modified 10 years ago by
Suman M..
Hi, did you follow these steps:
– goto HMWP >> ‘Start’ Tab >> select ‘Medium Privacy – More Compatibility’ scheme >> click ‘Save Settings’
– goto HMWP >> ‘Start’ Tab >> click ‘Multi-site Configuration’
– now use a FTP program or your host file manager and add those lines to your htaccess file (after RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?wp-admin$ […])Also check this FAQ –, can you please check at your end the FTP credentials? We are getting “Failed to Retrieve directory listing…”
Hi, first of all, can you please update HMWP plugin to the latest version 4.03? Let us know when you have updated it, so that we can look further into the issue. Thanks!
I followed the steps as mentioned above,
– activated HMWP and applied medium privacy scheme (added rules to htaccess)
– liked a photo in
– in my facebook activities I cliked on the link and it redirects to correct post and the correct photo pops out.And regarding the notification, please try disabling HMWP PHP IDS (I’ve disable it now)
I’ve checked “Trusted User Roles” for all user roles except “Blocked” in HMWP >> General Settings. Check if client login works now or not.
And I didn’t see any registration form here with HMWP plugin enabled or disabled.
Please also provide us with your site’s FTP details (as private message) so that we can solve it for you.
Also, was there any wordpress update recently in your site?
This reply was modified 10 years ago by
Suman M..
Hi, somehow the line “ini_set (‘memory_limit’, ‘256M’);” added in wp-config file was not working. I added it in your child theme’s functions.php and post add/edit worked fine. However, I added extra character “\” there in functions.php that caused syntax error. Can you please that extra “/” from the end of the file using FTP?
And yes you can use better-wp-security and it is also compatible with HMWP. if you are using W3 total cache’s minify feature, you’ll need to do some manual settings as explained here –
This reply was modified 10 years ago by
Suman M..
Hi, can you please let us know your site URL and admin login URL?
This reply was modified 10 years ago by